
Run to link - your short links

Short links will help you not to worry about the length of your message in social networks, increase the recognition and memorability of your resource's address for users. In addition, short links often look much more aesthetically pleasing than the full url. Our service will help you create a short link in a few seconds, and also track statistics on clicks on it in your personal account.

Offer agreement for the provision of paid access to the services of the Site

The Website Administration represented by Anton Drogin (hereinafter referred to as the “Website Administration”) offers the interested person (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) the conclusion of an offer agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) regarding the information below




1.1 The subject of this Agreement is the relationship associated with the provision of paid access to the expanded functionality of the Website, as well as additional types of services.

1.2 The Site Administration charges a fee according to the cost specified in the Subscription Plans in the Subscription Plan section, for providing paid access to the expanded functionality of the Site at the beginning of each term of the Subscription Plan.

1.3 The user has access to the standard functionality of the website free of charge, as well as paid access to the advanced functionality of the website according to the Subscription Plans. The list of Subscription Plans is available in the Subscription Plans section.




In this public offer, the following terms are used in the following meanings:

2.1 The standard functionality of the Site is a Service that allows you to create shortened URLs.

2.2 Advanced Site Functionality - A service that allows you to create shortened URLs (hereinafter referred to as run2links), provide the ability to navigate through them, receive data from Metrics.

2.3 run2links - the main product of the Service - shortened URLs created on the site run2.llink.

2.4 Metrics - A service that collects and provides the User with statistics on interactions with shortened URLs created on the Website.

2.5 User - a visitor to the Website, interested and / or using the Website Services on a free and / or paid basis.

2.6 The Contractor or the Site Administration is Anton Drogin.

2.7 Customer or User - the User who has accepted the offer and is thus the Customer of access to the paid services of the website under the concluded Offer Agreement.

2.8 Parties - collectively referred to as the Contractor or the Site Administration and the Customer or User.

2.9 Offer acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the offer by taking actions by the Customer or the User expressing their intention to use paid access to the advanced functionality on the Website




3.1 In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of the Agreement is considered to be a payment against the payment of the Customer for access to the expanded functionality of the Website The date of acceptance of this offer is the date of receipt of the Customer's funds to the balance of the personal account on the website

3.2 This Agreement is an official offer (public Offer) of the Contractor.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the conditions set forth below are accepted, the legal or natural person making the acceptance of this Offer (hereinafter the User) is considered to have concluded an agreement with the Contractor on the conditions set forth in this Offer in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The Customer guarantees that all the conditions of the Agreement are clear to him, and the Customer accepts the conditions without reservation and in full.

3.3 By performing actions on acceptance of this Agreement, the Customer confirms its legal capacity and legal capacity, the Customer reaches the age of 18 years, as well as the legal right of the Customer to enter into contractual relations with the Contractor.

3.4 This public offer is concluded in a special order: by acceptance of this Agreement, containing all the essential terms of the Agreement, without signing by the Parties.

3.5 In case of acceptance of the conditions set forth below, an individual or legal entity making an acceptance of this offer becomes the Customer (acceptance of the offer is equivalent to the conclusion of the Agreement on the conditions set forth in the offer).

3.6 This contract is legally binding in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and is equivalent to a contract signed by the parties.

3.7 This Agreement is a multilateral transaction consisting of an accepted public offer and its integral parts in the form of payment accounts, as well as the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Agreements posted on the Contractor's website.

3.8 When you familiarize yourself with this Agreement and do not agree with any terms of this Agreement, the legal or natural person has the right not to accept this offer.




4.1. Contractor's obligations


4.1.1. Provide free access to the standard functionality of the Site and paid access to the advanced functionality of the Site in accordance with the cost indicated on the Subscription Plan selected by the Customer in the “Subscription Plan” section on Website in all cases except as specified in clause 4.2.10.

4.1.2. After confirming the fact of payment, the Contractor is obliged to provide the Customer with access to the expanded functionality of the Site in accordance with the Subscription Plan selected by the Customer.

4.1.3. To provide free technical support services for the Website to the Customer upon his request.


4.2. Customer Obligations


4.2.1. If the Customer selects a Subscription Plan included in the advanced functionality of the Site, the Customer is obliged to pay the full cost of paid access according to the cost indicated in the selected Subscription Plan in the "Subscription Plan" section on Website.

4.2.2. Provide at the request of the Site Administration additional information that is directly related to the services provided on this Site.

4.2.3. Observe the property and non-property rights of authors and other copyright holders when using the Site.

4.2.4. Do not take actions that may be considered as violating the normal operation of the Site.

4.2.5. Do not disseminate using the Site any confidential and protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation information about individuals or legal entities.

4.2.6. Avoid any actions that may result in the violation of the confidentiality of information protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2.7. Do not use the Site to disseminate advertising information, except with the consent of the Site Administration.

4.2.8. Do not use the services of the site in order to:

4.2.8. 1. downloading content that is illegal violates any rights of third parties; promotes violence, cruelty, hatred and (or) discrimination on racial, national, gender, religious, social grounds; contains inaccurate information and (or) insults addressed to specific individuals, organizations, authorities.

4.2.8. 2. promptings to commit unlawful acts, as well as assistance to persons whose actions are aimed at violating restrictions and prohibitions in force in the territory of the Russian Federation.

4.2.8. 3. Violations of the rights of minors and (or) harm to them in any form.

4.2.8. 4. infringement of the rights of minorities.

4.2.8. 5. Presenting yourself for another person or representative of an organization and / or community without sufficient rights, including for the employees of this site.

4.2.8. 6. misleading regarding the properties and characteristics of any service from the functionality provided by the Site.

4.2.8. 7. incorrect comparison of services from the functionality provided by the Site, as well as the formation of a negative attitude towards persons (not) using certain services, or the conviction of such persons.

4.2.9. Pay bills for the selected payment interval when choosing access to the paid advanced site functionality. Customer authorizes to charge Customer for all applicable fees. may suspend or terminate the Paid Subscription Plan if the limits provided for by the Subscription Plan are exceeded and / or if there are insufficient funds in the User’s account at the beginning of the renewal period.

4.2.10. Do not exceed the number and / or frequency of API calls, simultaneous reductions in URLs or other access or use of the Service in the relevant documentation or in any other way provided by If the Contractor believes that the Customer has tried to exceed or circumvent these restrictions, the Contractor may suspend or block the Customer’s access to Services. may control the Customer’s use of the Services, including to ensure that the User complies with this Agreement.


4.3. In the event of failure to fulfill or improper performance of obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.




5.1. CUSTOMER is entitled to:


5.1.1. Require the proper and timely provision of Services by the Contractor.

5.1.2. Use additional services not provided for by this Agreement provided by the Contractor, based on a separately concluded Agreement.

5.1.3. Get access to the use of the Site and its advanced functionality after compliance with registration and payment requirements.

5.1.4. Use all the services available on the Site, as well as acquire paid access to the advanced functionality offered on the Site.

5.1.5. To ask any questions related to the services of the Site by writing an email to

5.1.6. Use the Site solely for the purposes and procedure provided for by the Agreement and not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1.7. The user can replenish the account balance through available payment services in the used currency of the Site.


5.2. The CONTRACTOR has the right:


5.2.1. Do not provide the Customer with the Services until they are paid. The moment of payment is the debit of funds from the balance of the User Account (Customer) on Website. The customer is solely responsible for the correctness of the payments made by him.

5.2.3. Require payment for services rendered.

5.2.4. Refuse to execute the Agreement provided that the Customer is reimbursed for payment in an amount calculated individually.

5.2.5. Receive from the Customer any information necessary to fulfill their obligations under the Agreement. In case of failure to submit or incomplete or incorrect submission of information by the Customer, the Contractor has the right to suspend the performance of its obligations under the Agreement until the necessary information is provided.

5.2.6. To provide other services under Additional Agreements with the Customer.

5.2.7. Change the rules for using the Site, as well as change the content of this Site. Changes come into force from the moment the new version of the Agreement is published on the Site.

5.2.8. Restrict access to the Site in case the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

5.2.9. Change the amount of payment charged for providing access to the use of the site The change in cost will not apply to Users who have an up-to-date current Subscription Plan with an unexpired term of use and not exceeded the limit for clicks on the short link created on to the time the payment size is changed, unless otherwise specified by the Site Administration.


5.3. CUSTOMER is prohibited:


5.3.1. Use any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic devices or equivalent manual processes to access, acquire, copy or track the contents of the Website;

5.3.2. Disrupt the proper functioning of the Site;

5.3.3. By any means bypass the navigation structure of the Site to obtain or attempt to obtain any information, documents or materials by any means that are not specifically provided by the services of this Site;

5.3.4. Unauthorized access to the functions of the Site, any other systems or networks related to this Site, as well as to any services offered on the Site;

5.3.5. Violate the security system or authentication on the Site or on any network related to the Site.

5.3.6. Perform a reverse search, track or try to track any information about any other User of the Site.

5.3.7. Use the Site and its Content for any purposes prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as incite any illegal activity or other activity that violates the rights of the online store or other persons.




6.1. The cost of paid access to the advanced functionality of the Site within the framework of the Subscription Plan selected by the Customer is indicated in the Subscription Plan in the "Subscription Plan" section.

6.2. Payment of paid access to advanced functionality on the Site is carried out by the Customer independently using the services of third parties. The Contractor accepts payments made by money transfer (online purchase), as well as other payment methods.

6.3. All settlements under the Agreement are made in US dollars.

6.4. If it is impossible to provide services by the Contractor due to reasons arising from the Customer, the services are payable in full.




7.1. The Agreement shall enter into force from the moment the Customer pays for the provision of paid access to the expanded functionality of the Site, provided to him by the Contractor.

7.2. The validity period of this Agreement is established in accordance with the Subscription Plan selected by the Customer. The expiration of this offer entails the termination of the obligations of the Parties arising during its validity.

7.3. In case of full fulfillment by the Parties of the terms of the Agreement, additional drafting of Acts on the provision or performance of services is not required.






8.1. If the Customer has decided to change the Subscription Plan before its expiration within 14 calendar days from the start of the current Subscription Plan, inclusive, the Contractor will return 50%% of the canceled Subscription Plan to the balance of the Customer’s personal account.

8.2. In the event that the Customer has any unforeseen (force majeure) circumstances (fire, hostilities, decisions of the highest state bodies, strikes, illness, moving, urgent business trip, lack of access to the Internet and / or others) and he is forced to interrupt use paid access to the extended functionality of the Site, access may be suspended on the basis of a personal application in the form of an application to the Contractor’s support service no later than 5 calendar days after the occurrence of these circumstances.

8.3. Payment for telecommunication services to connect the Customer to the Internet, or other local or dedicated networks to provide access to the Internet, is carried out by the Customer independently without the participation of the Contractor. The Contractor is not responsible for communication failure.

8.4. The customer independently provides himself with additional software.

8.5. If one of the Parties changes its contact details, or other details, then it is obliged to inform the other Party in a timely manner.

8.6. By accepting this offer, the Customer consents to the processing of personal data in accordance with Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-ФЗ “On Personal Data”. The Contractor undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the Customer’s personal data. Along with the above consent to the processing of personal data, the Customer also gives his full consent to receive messages from the Contractor by e-mail.




9.1. Any claims and financial claims are accepted by the Contractor only from the person who has accepted the terms of this Agreement (Customer).

9.2 If there are any claims that could not be resolved with the Customer, it is necessary to draw up an act indicating the unfulfilled clauses of the Agreement, under which the Customer and the Contractor put their signatures. The original remains with the Customer, a copy from the Contractor. Within 20 days from the moment the Customer submits the application, the specified protocol must be transmitted to the Contractor along with the complaint.

9.3 In the event of disagreements and disputes due to non-performance or improper performance of this Agreement or in connection with it, the parties will seek to resolve them through negotiations and reach a peace agreement.

9.4. If a peace agreement is not reached through negotiations, the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.